Subaru Racing Development is owned by Jonathan and is a Subaru fanatic and has a passion for performance. We specialise in Subaru modifications and servicing but will service or modify any motor vehicle on the market today. With many motor builds under our belts, we have a vast knowledge of high performance cars and know how to get the most power and reliability from them.
Here at SRD (Subaru Racing Development) we specialise in all major and minor services for all car manufacturers and we also do major and minor modifications for all car manufacturers. The company Subaru Racing Development it self has been in existence for since 2010 but we have over 25 Years experience in this field. We take pride in our work and we take on all projects to the fullest of our ability. We have pride in the work we do and every client that gets to deal with us ends up becoming a loyal friend and uses us every time and will recommend us to anyone.
Please feel free to have a look at the rest of our website and see what we can offer you or assist you with. We attend the Scooby Festival every year, so if you love racing and are a big fan, come and support us there too. For more questions feel free to contact Jonathan on 0628271772.